Tashkent Soviet Architecture, Modernism, And Subway Tour

This unique tour focuses exclusively on Soviet architecture and Soviet modernism, featuring many experimental buildings and designs applied specifically in Tashkent.

Unlike a general city tour, this experience is designed to reflect and explain the Soviet impact on Tashkent’s architecture and infrastructure. You’ll explore beautiful subway stations and visit some of the city’s most famous Soviet-era buildings.

Tour Details

Places to Visit:

  • Amir Temur Square
  • Independence Square
  • Tashkent Metro
  • Monument of Courage (Earthquake Memorial)
  • Corner of Sharaf Rashidov Avenue
  • State Museum of History
  • Friendship of Nations Palace
  • Opera and Ballet Theatre
  • Uzbekistan Hotel
  • Chorsu Bazaar Building
  • TV Tower
  • Kosmonavtlar Square

More Info

Duration: 2.5 hours


  • 1 person: $55
  • 2 persons: $65
  • 3 persons: $75
  • 4-6 persons: $85
  • 7-10 persons: $120

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