Your Guide to Silk Road Travel in Central Asia
All you need to know about traveling in Uzbekistan.

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Город Ташкент в Узбекистане — это отличный город для бюджетных путешественников и любителей пеших прогулок, ищущих приключений. Общественный транспорт невероятно дешевый, еду можно...
Самарканд — один из старейших постоянно населенных городов мира, и он является объектом всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Город славится многочисленными мавзолеями, мечетями и другими древними...
As the creator of this website, I have lived in Tashkent for over 2 years and stayed at many hotels in the city. When it comes to finding the best hotels in Tashkent city center, my...
This unique tour focuses exclusively on Soviet architecture and Soviet modernism, featuring many experimental buildings and designs applied specifically in Tashkent. Unlike a general...
An important Silk Road city and the capital of the Timurid Empire, Samarkand is a world class tourist destination and UNESCO world heritage site. If you’re looking for a place...
Samarkand, often referred to as the ‘pearl of the East,’ served as the capital of the vast Timurid Empire, extending from modern-day eastern Turkey to northern India. Having...
Start your next adventure through Central Asia with our carefully crafted selection of Uzbekistan tours for travel in 2025/2026. Discover the treasures of the Silk Road; visit the majestic...
The Aral Sea in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, stands as one of the world’s greatest man-made disasters. Once the world’s fourth-largest lake, sustaining a thriving fishing...
One of the lesser-visited regions of Uzbekistan is Karakalpakstan, the ‘stan within a stan’, located in the north west of the country and probably the country’s most...
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